Warrior Travel Ball Program
Welcome Prospective Warrior Ball Players,
My name is Patrick Lucy and I am the Fallbrook Youth Baseball Warrior Ball Director. I
have been around FYB for more than 30 years from when I played on the fields as a child
to now volunteering coaching my own kids.
Warrior Ball Program:
The Warrior ball program is designed for the more experienced players looking to
challenge themselves against higher level competition than they would face during rec
ball season.
Warrior ball teams are meant to be competitive, but also instructional at the same time.
However, there are no playing time restrictions enforced except the ones used by Pony
Baseball or tournament rules.
Warrior Ball Selection Process:
Warrior teams are selected via tryouts two times a year, August and January.
Tryouts will be announced through the FYB website that will give the date and time for
each Warrior ball age group.
To participate on a Warrior Ball team, you must register with FYB and pay the Fall or
Spring registration fees before you can try out for that season.
Coaches will conduct and select their teams with help from other Warrior ball coaches
from each level.
Warrior Ball Coaches:
Warrior Ball coaches are all volunteer and our not paid by FYB. Coaches are selected
twice a year by the FYB Board each Fall and Spring. However, most coaches will stay
with their team for a whole year.
Warrior Ball Costs & Fees:
In addition to the registration fee; Warrior teams have additional cost for things like:
uniforms, tournament fees, umpire fees for scrimmages.
These additional costs will vary by team.
If your child is selected for a Warrior team
the manager will provide more details on additional costs.
Thank You,
Patrick Lucy
Warrior Ball Director